Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are gearing up for a housewarming celebration at their under-construction home in Alibaug. The couple, who were recently spotted leaving through a jetty at Gateway of India, are preparing for the griha pravesh (house welcoming) event. A viral video showcased the preparations in full swing, with men carrying pooja essentials while a priest sat on a ferry. The duo was seen together at Gateway of India, making their way to their Alibaug retreat. Anushka made a quick return the following day, while Virat was spotted heading back. The couple’s holiday home in Alibaug has been a topic of interest, with reports suggesting they are ready to host the grand housewarming soon. The couple returned to India after the Australia test series, and now preparing for their long-awaited housewarming ceremony, it seems. ‘Rasta Mat Roko, Humara Bhi Boat Hai’ Virat Kohli Heard Saying to Crowd As He Waits for Boat to Travel to Alibaug With Wife Anushka Sharma (Watch Video).

On January 13, Anushka was photographed at Gateway of India in the afternoon, greeting fans and tourists before catching a speedboat. Virat followed suit, making his way to their new home shortly after. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma Along With Daughter Vamika and Son Akaay Visit Premanand Maharaj At Vrindavan Dham, Video Goes Viral.

Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s Alibaug Home Finally Ready for a Housewarming?


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Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma Alibaug Property Investment

In 2023, Virat made headlines when he purchased a 2,000 sq ft villa at Avas Living, Alibaug, for a staggering INR 6 crore, along with INR 36 lakh stamp duty payment. The luxurious property also boasts a 400 sq ft swimming pool. Additionally, the couple is said to have invested in a farmhouse in Alibaug for INR 19.24 crore.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 15, 2025 04:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website