After monopoly, star couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli has taken to ludo to pass their time amid the coronavirus lockdown. Anushka on Saturday took to Instagram story and shared a screenshot in which she can be seen playing the online ludo game along with her husband and her parents. In the image, it is clearly visible that Virat and Anushka's parents are way ahead of her in the game while Anushka's all four pieces are still inside the house. Anushka Sharma Yells ‘Aye Kohli, Chauka Maar Na’ To Give Virat Kohli The Field Experience And His Reaction Is Hilarious (Watch Video)
Accepting her defeat in a hilarious way, Anushka wrote: "I am not losing...I am staying home and practising social distancing." Also, Anushka and Virat have pledged to support the Prime Minister's Relief Fund and Chief Minister's (Maharashtra) Relief Fund in the ongoing battle against the coronavirus pandemic. After Anushka Sharma, Ayushmann Khurrana Condemns Attacks on Police Personnel Amid COVID-19 Lockdown.
Check Out Anushka Sharma's Instagram Story Below
A source in the industry told IANS that Virat and Anushka have jointly donated Rs 3 crore towards the cause.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 19, 2020 06:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website