Veteran actor Anupam Kher was nostalgic and shared a picture of himself alongside Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh which was taken a few years back. Looking back at the photo, the actor said that for some reason, it reminds him of the 1968 film Padosan. Taking to his Instagram, The Kashmir Files actor shared the picture in which he is smiling in the middle and sticking out his head while the other three were giving off crazy looks with their eyes wide open. Anupam Kher Offers Prayers at Ram Mandir Site, Shares Glimpses of Preparation.
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He captioned it: "I don’t know why this pic of #Ranveer, #Varun, and #Arjun taken a few years back reminds me of the film #’Padosan’. May be the madness created here." Arjun, who was goofily pointing at a poster of the Ghost actor’s look as Dr. Michael Dang, the villain of the 1986 Bollywood classic Karma, in the photograph also amused Anupam. He added: “Also don’t miss #Arjun pointing to the poster of #DrDang from the movie #’Karma’! (laugh and heart emojis)#ActorsLife#Friends#Fun". ICC World Cup 2023: Deepika Padukone Sports India Jersey, Hubby Ranveer Singh Wears Team’s Jacket As They Jet Off to Ahmedabad Ahead of Ind vs Aus Finals.
On the work front, apart from movies the actor is also doing his own historical-mythological-documentary series titled 21 Hanuman Mandir, which explores the 21 most revered temples of the deity. As far as his work in movies goes, Anupam was last seen in the Kannada film Ghost, and Vivek Agnihotri’s film The Vaccine War. He will next be seen in the Telugu film The India House, and Hindi films Kaagaz 2, Vijay 69, and The Signature in 2024.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 24, 2023 05:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website