Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, known to be one of the fittest actors of his generation, is often lauded by the audience for his youthful looks at the age of 66. The actor once again left the audience stunned when he worked out in subzero temperature. The Parinda actor recently posted videos in which he was seen working out in minus 110 degree Celcius with the help of an oxygen mask. Anil is currently busy with his next film Fighter which also stars Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Akshay Oberoi, and he is not leaving any stone unturned to achieve the desired fitness levels for the film since it's an action film and demands a lot physically from actors. Blake Lively Gives a Glimpse of Her Happy Vacation With Hubby Ryan Reynolds and Family (View Pics).
In the video, Anil Kapoor is seen undergoing cryotherapy. He can be seen working out shirtless in an enclosed area with temperatures that are unfathomable. In the second video, the actor also showed a thumbs-up sign while jumping and jogging. He wrote in the caption: "Naughty at 40 ka time gaya...its time to be Sexy at 60...#fightermodeon." Deadpool 3: Karan Soni, Leslie Uggams All Set To Return In Ryan Reynolds’ Marvel Film.
Anil Kapoor Workout at -110 Degrees
Naughty at 40 ka time gaya...
its time to be Sexy at 60...#fightermodeon
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) April 9, 2023
Soon after Anil posted the video, members of the film fraternity and his fans flooded the comments section with appreciation for the actor's dedication and single point focus to excel at such an age. Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma, who was recently seen in 'Zwigato', wrote: "Wah wah wah. mujhe b karna hai." Actress Tisca Chopra commented: 'Wow." A fan wrote: "Did I just read -110 or I need to get my eyes checked."
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 10, 2023 03:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website