Anil Kapoor is still mourning Rishi Kapoor's demise, a week after we witnessed the tragic news. The duo shared a great bond from their early days and destiny even had plans of making their kids debut together. Rishi's son, Ranbir and Anil's daughter, Sonam Kapoor marked their debut opposite each other in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 2007 release, Saawariya. And while remembering his good friend 'James', the No Entry actor recently shared some happy memories from the launch of the same. Alia Bhatt Joins Ranbir Kapoor and Family For Rishi Kapoor’s Prayer Meet (View Pics).

"Remembering James.... Sharing the launch of Sonam and Ranbir’s careers with Neetu and Rishi is one of the happiest memories of my life..." tweeted Anil while sharing a few pictures with Rishi Kapoor from Saawariya's launch night. You can see the pride in their eyes as their kids prepped up to follow in their footsteps and enter Bollywood. Rishi's sudden death was a major blow to Anil Kapoor and he's still not able to come to terms with that. Rishi Kapoor's Sharmaji Namkeen Co-Producer Explains How they Will Complete the Movie Without the Late Actor.

Check out Anil Kapoor's Pictures with Late Actor Rishi Kapoor

For the ones who wondered why Anil kept referring to Rishi Kapoor as James, we have an answer for you. Anil always thought Rishi resembled the Hollywood actor, James Dean and hence he would call him that. The 102 Not Out actor was obviously very proud about that and didn't mind the nickname.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 13, 2020 02:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website