New Delhi, July 3: It seems like Anil Kapoor is super excited for the upcoming film on the biopic of ace shooter Abhinav Bindra which was announced two years back. The actor today posted pictures on his Twitter handle where he can be seen with a big smile while striking a pose with the shooter and his father Apjit Singh Bindra."Great stories take time to be told! The world will see the inspirational life story of Abhinav Bindra on the big screen soon! So incredibly excited for this," he captioned the picture.
Anil's son and actor Harshvardhan Kapoor, who debuted in Bollywood with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's 'Mirzya,' will be seen essaying the role of Abhinav in the biopic. The actor had posted a picture with the Olympic Gold medalist on Instagram in 2017, and wrote, "Beginnings are very special.
Especially when you get to play a character that has made the nation proud on the world stage. I am stoked to have been chosen to play #AbhinavBindra anment" itemscope="" itemtype="" class="breadcrumb-item">Entertainment