After the Bollywood brigade had a meeting with the Prime Minister of our country last week, Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor had the glorious opportunity to meet Narendra Modi today. The actor has shared the pic on his social media handles and what comes as a surprise is how the two were twinning in brown! this picture has got us wondering if the two of them actually decided to colour coordinate for the meeting. While Anil is seen wearing a brown jacket, a blue shirt and navy blue pants, Narendra Modi is seen wearing a brown kurta with a white Nehru jacket and white pyjamas. Considering how fashion forward PM Modi is, we think the idea must've definitely come from him. Or is this too far - fetched? Well, maybe... or maybe not! Ranveer Singh's Epic Selfie with Narendra Modi and Bollywood Brigade Becomes The New Fodder For Meme Makers - Check Out the Funniest Ones.
Talking about Anil, he captioned the pic as: "I had the opportunity to meet our h'ble Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji today & I stand humbled and inspired in the wake of our conversation. His vision and his charisma are infectious & I'm grateful for the chance to have witnessed it in person". Ranveer Singh Hugs Narendra Modi! Gives a Sanjay Dutt Inspired ‘Jaadoo Ki Jhappi’ to Prime Minister, View Pic.
Check out the full pic here-
Colour coordinating with the PM of the nation?! Now that's something, no?
We wonder why didn't Anil go with other stars when they went to New Delhi together to see Modi. As for last week's meeting, like Karan Johar mentioned, they discussed about reducing GST on movie tickets and a couple of other issues that are hampering the growth of Bollywood. We're assuming the issue of the ban on Pakistani actors also must have been brought up since KJo didn't get to do a lot of films with his former favourite boy, Fawad Khan. Coming back to Anil, we're too keen to know what exactly was the conversation all about. Let's hope he reveals it to us soon.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2019 06:18 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website