Amitabh, Abhishek, Aishwarya and Aaradhya Bachchan were tested COVID-19 positive earlier this month. Since then, the family is getting treated at Mumbai's Nanavati Hospital. Amid this, Big B is super active on social media and each day pours in a new thought for his fans. It was a while ago when the megastar was all emotional and shared a glimpse of his stardom, courtesy his bungalow Jalsa. And now, his hospital time is all brightened up thanks to a video of a girl singing Ed Sheeran's Shape of You in quite a desi way. The clip was sent to Big B by his music partner and dear friend. Amitabh Bachchan Dedicates His Latest Post to Fans, Says ‘The Hands That You Raise in Love and Support Are My Strength’.
In the video, the girl can be seen playing the ukulele while singing the chartbuster song. Showering praises on the artist, Senior Bachchan wrote, "God bless you .. keep up the good work .. you have brightened my day in the Hospital like never before. Mixing Karnatak & Western pop.." Indeed, the clip reminds us how India is rich in talent. . Amitabh Bachchan Dismisses News Report of Him Testing Negative for COVID-19 as 'Fake and an Incorrigible Lie' (View Tweet).
Check Out Amitabh Bachchan's Tweet Below:
T 3605 - My music partner and dear friend sent me this .. I do not know who this is but I can just say “You are a very special talent, God bless you .. keep up the good work .. you have brightened my day in the Hospital like never before. Mixing Karnatak & Western pop.. amazing!"
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 25, 2020
FYI, the superb singer in the video is Arya Dhayal, who happens to have a strong fanbase on Instagram with 142k followers. Interestingly, Bollywood actor, Ayushmann Khurrana follows her on the photo and video sharing app. Coming back to Amitji, we wish the legendary recovers soon. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 25, 2020 01:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website