Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has started shooting for Sujoy Ghosh's 'Badla' in Glasgow, said the upcoming film will feature him in his regular look without any prosthetics. The 75-year-old on Saturday took to his blog to share two photographs, in which he can be seen flaunting a suited look with white beard. Amitabh said he was pleasantly surprised to see the number of Indian migrants in Glasgow which included some selfie seekers too.

“The Badla first day with all the confusion and uncertainty began today. Out on the streets of this city of Glasgow. cloudy, drizzle, then sun. The Saturday crowds of the young and free on and about on the streets and clubs. And moi (me) negotiating the ‘selfie’ seekers with enough abandon and consent,” Amitabh wrote.

“Did not realise there are sufficient migrant from way back home inhabiting space and comment on the premises where we work.most, pleasant and surprised.some a little abrupt and angular, because of the preventive security, but still filled with laughter and joy.good to know. At last. no prosthetics. just a simple me,” he added.

The mega star had earlier quipped -

Earlier, Amitabh said that he finds prosthetics a "torture" after he was asked to don make-up again for another project. 'Badla' also features Amitabh's 'Pink' co-actor Taapsee Pannu.