It's Akshay Kumar's 51st birthday today and the fans started the celebration a day before. #HappyBirthdayAkshay became the top trend on Twitter and the admirers of the actor poured the messages for him and made his day even more special. His songs and movies ruled the TV space for the day and that's definitely a lot of love anyone could ever get! Akki is totally aware of this love and in his recent video, he expressed gratitude for it.
The Khiladi Kumar posted a 'Thank-you' video for his fans saying that it is them who made it all the way special. He tweeted, " A big THANK YOU to all of you for pouring in all your love and wishes. I’d like to dedicate this day to those who matter the most, my fans God bless you all". He said that his fanclubs and the way they celebrated the birthday by donating to the needy and pouring heartwarming messages made his day special. Akshay Kumar Birthday Special: These Killer Stunts Of Khiladi Kumar Will Stun You Into Silence!
Check out his video right here!
A big THANK YOU to all of you for pouring in all your love and wishes. I’d like to dedicate this day to those who matter the most, my fans ❤️ God bless you all 🙏🏻
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 9, 2018
We all know that Akki has been on a spree of giving us successful social dramas. However, this year, the only thing that his fans wished for was to see him again in his action and comedy avatar. The superstar Kumar has this amazing comic timing and he has proved it time and again. Also, he is the fittest of all the stars his age, naturally giving the title of action king. The fans now want him as the Akki that once ruled the hearts with these genres and we hope to see him back in the old form soon! Tell us your thoughts in the comments box below.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2018 08:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website