In a selfless heroic act recently, actor Akshay Kumar, who was on the sets of Maniesh Paul's new show Movie Masti, to promote his upcoming movie Housefull 4, rescued a technician from suffering grave injuries. Akshay who was seated up front jumped up on the stage without a single thought and helped bring the technician, who lost consciousness, while on a harness due to low BP. Akshay Kumar on Playing a Transgender Role in Laxmmi Bomb: ‘A Character I Am Both Excited and Nervous About’
It so happened that Ali Asgar and the technician were on a harness for the shoot, when the latter complained of low BP and suddenly, fell unconscious and was about to drop. While Ali, who was right beside him, did his little bit to keep the unconscious man from falling, Akshay jumped up the prop and held the technician until help from the crew arrived. Nach Baliye 9: Raveena Tandon and Maniesh Paul's Tiff Halts Shoot For One Hour!
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Akshay made sure to secure the unconscious man and get his harness removed, before instructing Ali as well to get off his harness and only then jumped down, to go and follow up with the fallen technician. Well, not only was that heroic, but also extremely selfless of Akshay to take it upon himself in a situation like this. Kudos Akshay Kumar! You make us want to believe that there is still good in people.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 04, 2019 04:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website