Akshay Kumar is on a promotional spree of his upcoming film, Mission Mangal. The movie has a predominantly female cast that includes Vidya Balan, Sonakshi Sinha, Taapsee Pannu and others. In an interview with Pinkvilla, he has revealed that he is often advised to not take up projects like these and eventually ended up giving a juicy blind item on Bollywood. Apparently, a certain top actor is insecure about his role in an upcoming two-hero project. Akshay said, "I was advised not to do Pad Man and Toilet Ek Prem Katha. Big personalities from the industry told me that," adding, "I wouldn't even mind if someone else has a bigger role than me in a film, provided the script is nice,"

He added, "These kinds of thinking is not there in Hollywood. They don't think of films in this fashion. But yaha yeh hota hai," And  then came the sauciest part of this interview, as Akshay narrated a tough blind item for his fans to solve. Akshay Kumar's Teams Up With Wifey Twinkle Khanna for a Commercial, Says 'Shooting Felt Like Home' - See Pic.

"I won't name the person but this one actor is doing a two-hero subject. He amazingly told the producer ki pehle mera ek solo photo aayega. Then, agle hafte dono ka saath mein aayega. Why solo? Because he wants to show he's the main hero, although it's a two-hero subject. The thinking has been reduced to a solo poster. I was quite shocked to listen to this."

Can you guess who is Akshay talking about? If you do, tag us in your answers on Twitter using @latestly.

Other than Mission Mangal, Akshay will also be seen in movies like Laxmmi Bomb, Good News, Sooryavanshi, Housefull 4, Bachchan Pandey in the coming two years. That is quite a lot of movies. It also means quite a lot of promotional interviews. We will be looking forward to more blind items.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 04, 2019 04:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).