Akshay Kumar has done it! He has beaten every other Bollywood celeb to feature on the Forbes’ annual Highest-Paid Celebrities list. The Khiladi of Bollywood is the only B-town actor who managed to find a spot in this coveted list thereby joining the likes of Hollywood celebrities like Taylor Swift, Kanye West, Ed Sheeran and others. The Sooryavanshi actor secured the 33rd position in this big list and managed to outdo some popular names like Rihanna, Jackie Chan, Bradley Cooper and others. Akshay Kumar's Role in Mission Mangal Is Interesting! Read Details Of His 'Senior Scientist' Role in the Space Drama.
Wondering which celebrity has topped this big list? Well, it's none other than Taylor Swift with whopping earnings of $185 million. She's followed by the youngest self-made billionaire, Kylie Jenner who managed to rake in $170 million and Kanye West came in third. The trio was followed by Lionel Messi and Ed Sheeran who bagged 4th and 5th spot respectively. Interestingly the difference between Khiladi and Robert Downey Jr was barely a million dollar where the latter earned $66 million and Aki managed $65 million. Twinkle Khanna Misses Her 'Hunk' Akshay Kumar While He Is Away Shooting For Sooryavanshi! Check Out Their Adorable Pic.
Below is the top 10 list of highest paid celebrities this year
1. Taylor Swift: $ 185 million
2. Kylie Jenner: $170 million
3. Kanye West: $150 million
4. Lionel Messi: $127 million
5. Ed Sheeran: $110 million
6. Cristiano Ronaldo: $109 million
7. Neymar: $105 million
8. The Eagles: $100 million
9 Dr Phil McGraw: $95 million
10 Canelo Alvarez: $94 million
Akshay bagging a position in this coveted list is truly a moment of huge pride for our entertainment industry. Being the only Bollywood actor to grab a place in a list dominated by the west is commendable and we wonder if the actor is currently relishing the same success. And with an interesting line-up of movies in the future, we don't think anything is going to change in 2020.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 10, 2019 09:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).