After actress Amy Jackson, whose private photos were leaked on social media, Superstar Kamal Haasan's younger daughter Akshara Haasan is the latest victim of cyber crime. Yes, you read that right. The actress, on Sunday, filed an official complaint with the Versova police after her pictures (in her inner-wear) found their way to the internet. She registered a complaint against an unknown person for allegedly leaking her intimate pictures on the Internet under the Information and Technology Act. Reportedly, the accused is being tracked by the cyber detection team of the Versova Police Station. After Amy Jackson, Akshara Haasan’s Private Photos Get LEAKED on Internet, Are These Hot Pictures Morphed?
Recently, the actress took to the micro-blogging site to talk about the same. She wrote, "It's particularly disturbing and deeply upsetting to see that at a time when the nation has woken up to the #metoo movement, there are still people out there who would harass and attempt to share private pictures of a young girl in the public eye only to derive perverse pleasure that appeals only to them."
The actress also confirmed that the pictures that have gone viral on the Internet are not morphed. She further wrote, "Recently, some of my private pictures were leaked on the internet. Who did this, or why, is not known to me yet? But what I do know that it is deeply unfortunate to make a young girl the victim of such an act only for a pervert mind's enjoyment. And each time someone shares it with eye-catching deadlines to draw more traction, it scars me deeper and adds to everyone's participation in my harassment and helplessness," further adding that she has reached out to the Mumbai police and Cyber cell to dig further into the matter.
Check out Akshara's post here:
@MumbaiPolice @Cybercellindia
— Kutty Haasan (@aksharahaasan1) November 7, 2018
On the professional front, Akshara, who made her debut in Bollywood opposite Amitabh Bachchan and Dhanush in 2015 released 'Shamitabh', was last seen in Ajith's Viswasam in 2017. The actress is currently working on a project alongside Vikram, which is bankrolled under the banner of Raaj Kamal Films, which is her father Kamala Haasan's banner. Watch this space for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 13, 2018 11:56 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website