It has been a year since Janhvi Kapoor made her Bollywood debut with Dhadak. No new projects of the actress have released since then but that doesn't mean she has not been working tirelessly. She has been working on multiple projects, one of which is a horror-comedy with Rajkummar Rao, titled Roohi Afza. Now, the latest word is that she has been roped in for yet another horror film, which is being directed by Zoya Akhtar. You all remember the Netflix anthology film, Lust Stories, right? The four directors from the film are coming back together for another anthology, titled Ghost Stories.
As per a report by Pinkvilla, Janhvi will be playing the lead in the segment directed by Zoya Akhtar in Ghost Stories. That sounds interesting. The movie will soon go on floors and Janhvi will only be required to shoot for 10 days. With Roohi Afza and Ghost Stories, we think we finally have a new scream queen in Bollywood. The spot had been vacant for a very long time. Rajkummar Rao Lauds His Roohi Afza Co-Star Janhvi Kapoor As Sincere and Hardworking Actor.
Other than these two horror movies, Janhvi has some of the most ambitious projects in her kitty. She will be seen playing the lead in a biopic on Gunjan Saxena, one of the two female IAF pilots to fight in the Kargil War. The rumoured titled of the film is Kargil Girl. She has also been roped in to play the female lead in Dostana 2, which will feature her alongside Kartik Aaryan. As per reports, Kartik and Janhvi's character will have a crush on the same man.
Janhvi will also be seen in Karan Johar's directorial, Takht. She is also rumoured to be starring in Ranbhoomi, opposite Varun Dhawan.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 26, 2019 10:05 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website