Aditya Roy Kapur and Disha Patani will soon grace the big screens with their Mohit Suri revenge drama Malang. And apart from the pairing of leads in the movie, what has been making it to the news is the treatment that has been given to the song's music and posters, all of which have a trance-like feel. After the gripping trailer of Malang, the songs are taking the nation on the other high as the people are loving each outing of Malang. Malang Title Track Out: You’ll Fall in Love with Disha Patani – Aditya Roy Kapur’s Chemistry in This Dreamy Track (Watch Video).
The makers of Malang have given viewers a glimpse of what’s in store for them through the film’s songs, posters and the trailer. Along with the madness that the film offers, the audience will be treated to a potent dose of romance between Aditya Roy Kapur and Disha Patani.
When the first poster, which captured a passionate moment between Aditya and Disha, was released, it created a lot of buzz online and became a talking point. The trailer, which is edgy and intriguing, went viral within no time. Malang, directed by Mohit Suri also stars Anil Kapoor and Kunal Kemmu in pivotal roles and their posters also received a great response. Malang Trailer Funny Memes: Disha Patani and Aditya Roy Kapur Starrer Inspire Some Hilarious Jokes on Twitter and We Can’t Stop Laughing! (View Tweets).
Apart from the posters and trailer, every song of Malang has a story to tell. While the track Chal Ghar Chalen has an emotional tone to it, Malang’s title track has eclectic techno beats and a trance-like quality to it.
With all that excitement generated around the film, it is definitely among the most-anticipated releases this year. Malang is directed by Mohit Suri and produced by T-Series’ Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Luv Films’ Luv Ranjan, Ankur Garg, and Northern Lights Entertainment’s Jay Shewakramani. Malang is all set to release on 7th February 2020.