Popular actor Kiran Kumar is the latest Bollywood celebrity to have been tested positive for COVID-19. As per a report in Times of India, the actor had found out about the diagnosis when he went to a hospital for a minor checkup and decided to also take the test for Coronavirus, the result of which came out to be positive. Kiran Kumar has been under self-quarantine for the past 10 days at his home. He also revealed that he would be taking the next test on May 25. Zoa Morani Donates Blood in Mumbai for Plasma Therapy, Requests All COVID-19 Survivors to Come Forward and Help Those Affected By Coronavirus (View Pics).
Kiran Kumar also revealed that he has not been revealing symptoms related to Coronavirus prior to the test. He continues to remain asymptomatic even after the test was done and while in quarantine. Let's hope and pray that the actor makes a speedy and complete recovery.
Kiran Kumar is a well-known face in Hindi cinema, for playing character roles and antagonists in some famous movies. He is known for his roles in Tezaab, Thanedaar, Baaghi, Khoon Ka Karz, Henna, Khuda Gawah, Bol Radha Bol, Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya and Brothers. Kanika Kapoor Gets Lucknow Police Notice to Record Her Statement Days After She Tests Negative for COVID-19.
Earlier, Bollywood celebs like singer Kanika Kapoor, actress Zoa Morani (and her father and sister) and actor Purab Kohli have been tested positive for COVID-19, before they made a full recovery.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 24, 2020 01:25 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).