Witty is Shah Rukh Khan's second name and the actor does a fine job in utilising his wit to the best. From being an interviewer's delight to someone you look up to, SRK has always been a favourite with the masses, no wonder why the journalists don't mind waiting long hours to get his time. Now, the Raees star clearly hates arriving on time and wife Gauri Khan recently made a point revolving around his same trait. He knows he isn't the most punctual man on this Earth and he can never walk hand-in-hand with time. Probably that's the reason why he's asking Abhishek Bachchan to help him with that. Akshay Kumar’ Sangharsh, Shah Rukh Khan’s Baazigar, Aamir Khan’s Ghajini – 10 Remakes That Sanitise the Villains and Psychopaths From the Original Films.
Recently Abhishek Bachchan took to his Twitter account to share a Monday Motivation post that would help you drive away all the work blues. And guess the King Khan of Bollywood was one among the post's admirers. He tweeted his reply saying, Thanks baby. Got this. Now please motivate me to Work On Time too!! That's how you take a dig at yourself and not be ashamed of your flaws. Learn it from Shah Rukh on how to embrace your weakness and work hard to overcome it. Shah Rukh Khan Fans Miffed With Sara Ali Khan for Referring Him As UNCLE, Twitterati Comes To Rescue.
Check out SRK's reply to Junior Bachchan
Thanks baby. Got this. Now please motivate me to Work On Time too!! https://t.co/9qejCH9tIx
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) April 8, 2019
We do know the star takes around 3-4 hours to get ready and that's a confirmation coming from his wifey dearest. That explains why he gets late and never arrives on scheduled time. As long as he's working towards it, we have no qualms and we wonder if Jr Bachchan will have some suggestion in his store for this Dilwale star.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 08, 2019 05:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).