Mumbai, Nov 22 (PTI) Director duo Abbas Mustan, who directed the first two films in "Race" franchise, said a movie's success or failure depends on the audience. The "Race" franchise featuring Saif in the lead, has made business at the box office. Thee third installment saw a change in the team including the actors and director. "Race 3" had Salman in the lead with Bobby Deol, Saqib Saleem, Daisy Shah, Freddy Daruwala joining him. Zayn Malik’s Bollywood Obsession Continues! Former One Direction Singer Gets Love For Crooning Salman Khan’s Race 3 Song Allah Duhai Hai.

Though the film did well at the box office, it was not received as warmly as the previous instalments. When asked if there is little disappointment with "Race 3", Abbas said, "They are all our friends, we share good equation with Salman Khan, Ramesh Taurani (producer). We wanted the film to do well. We did wish the film should do well commercially as it was our franchise. And the film did well commercially."

When pointed out that "Race 3" was below expectation, Mustan said, "It all depends on the audience, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work." The two were speaking at the success party of Saif Ali Khan's latest film "Baazaar".

Asked about collaborating with Saif the director duo, best known for making slick thrillers such as "Baazigar", "Aitraaz" and "Humraaz", said, "We are looking for a good script so that we can work together with Saif."