It's a double day of celebrations at Salman Khan's place. Not only the actor is celebrating his 55th birthday, low-key due to the pandemic, but his sister Arpita's daughter, Ayat, also turns one today. It is not a co-incidence that Ayat was born on the same day as her mamu. Ayat's father, Aayush Sharma, took to his social media handle to share a birthday wish for her as she turned one. The actor wrote that his daughter has helped him evolve as a person with her unconditional love and judgemental looks. Antim: The Final Truth First Look Teaser: It’s Salman Khan VS Aayush Sharma in This Raw and Gritty Actioner (Watch Video).
Aayush wrote, “Happy Birthday my Ayat .. it’s been 1 year since you’ve come into our lives. You’ve brought so much of love and happiness into our lives. From the unconditional, ‘Papa’ love to the judgemental looks, you have really helped me evolve into a better person and a more responsible father.”
"May you always keep the sparkle in your eyes .. May you always spread love with your beautiful smiles.. May you always get what makes you happy. I’m blessed to have you in my life. It’s true, One day you’ll outgrow my arms but you’ll never outgrow my heart," the doting daddy added. Arpita and Aayush also have a son named Ahil. Ahil Sharma Turns 4! Salman Khan and Family Ring In His Birthday With a Fun Bash (View Pics).
See Aayush's Post Here:
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Earlier, talking about the call to have Ayat share birthday with Salman, Aayush had revealed, "The due date was last week of December or first week of January. When we told this to everyone, Bhai (as Salman is lovingly called) was excited and said ‘give me a gift’. So, it was a conscious decision to bring Ayat into this world on that day. It is a very good omen to have her on Bhai’s birthday... Also, it saves me from giving multiple parties!"
On the work from, Aayush will be next seen in the Mahesh Manjrekar drama, Antim. The movie also features a special appearance from Salman Khan, who'd be sporting a Sikh turban. The first teaser of the film was launched recently and it featured the two actors at loggerheads with each other - shirtless. The teaser was loved by the fans.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 27, 2020 07:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website