It is going to be a working birthday for Bollywood's perfectionist Aamir Khan. The actor who turns 54 today (March 14) will be flying out of the country to fulfil work commitments, but not before celebrating his birthday with the media. Yes, Aamir is one of those celebrities who involve the media on their big day. As reported earlier as well, not only will Aamir cut a cake, but also have a media interaction. Aamir Khan Announces His Next Movie ‘Laal Singh Chadda’ on His 54th Birthday
Aamir's birthday is not short of some trend on social media and wishes, not only from his fans worldwide but also from near and dear pals have been pouring in on Twitter.
But we could not help notice the very filmy exchange of wishes and words between the birthday boy and celebrated retired cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar Has A Rather Witty Birthday Wish For Aamir Khan In 'Aati Kya Khandala' Style; Read Tweet
See their funny banter below:
It all started with Sachin wishing Aamir and stealing a line from the latter's famous song 'Aati Kya Khandala':
He has a ritual of celebrating his birthday with the media every year, even this year it is happening. The actor will not just slice the cake in media’s presence but he’ll also be having an interaction with them. But after that the actor has no plans of partying, in fact, he’ll heading out of India to fulfil certain commitments related to work.
Aamir had an equally amusing comeback:
Thanks Sachin!
Aata kya khandala ?
— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) March 14, 2019
At his annual cake-cutting ritual with media persons, Aamir Khan not only celebrated his birthday but also announced his next film. Titled Laal Singh Chadda the film is an adaptation of the Hollywood classic Forrest Grump.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 14, 2019 05:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website