The global pandemic is far from over and we are seeing the testimony of the same with each passing day. Now, in the recent unfortunate incident, Bollywood superstar, Aamir Khan's staff member has tested positive for coronavirus. In his official statement, the actor confirmed this and also added that they were immediately quarantined soon after. He also requested fans to pray for his mother as she is soon getting tested for the same. Boney Kapoor Confirms Three Staff Members Who Tested COVID-19 Positive Have Recovered, Says 'We Look Forward To Starting Afresh'.

The star, in his statement posted on Twitter, also confirmed that rest all of them have been tested negative for coronavirus. He thanked the BMC officials for providing good medical facilities as well as Kokilaben Hospital's medical staff for the quick treatment.

An excerpt from his statement reads, "The rest of us have all been tested and found negative. Right now I am taking my mother to get her tested. She is the last person in the loop. Please pray that she is negative. I would, once again, like to thank the BMC for the prompt, professional and caring manner in which they helped us."

Aamir Khan's Statement

We hope that the actor's mother finds herself in good health and so does every family member. We also wish a speedy recovery of the staff member who got tested positive for COVID-19.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 30, 2020 12:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website