T-Series honcho Bhushan Kumar has been trying his best to get the biopic of his father, the late Gulshan Kumar, on the roll. However, Mogul, well that's what the movie has been called, has seen its fair share of controversies even before it has gone on floors. Earlier Mogul was supposed to star Akshay Kumar in the lead, and the movie was to be made on the lines of the TV series, Empire. However, Akshay Kumar walked out of the project, with the rumours blaming his unhappiness over the script in place. Bhushan Kumar had declared then that he would find a bigger star than Akshay for the role. A new set of rumours followed, that linked Aamir Khan as the replacement in the movie.

Now we have the latest update that sets the story straight. Aamir Khan is, in fact, linked to the project, but not in the way you expect. As per certain reports, Aamir will be co-producing the movie, along with Bhushan Kumar. However, he won't be playing the lead role.

Aamir Khan is known to be closely associated with Gulshan Kumar, when the music baron was alive and this association could be a tribute by the actor. His decision to not play the lead is not exactly surprising since Aamir wants to focus more on his upcoming Thugs of Hindostan, as well as his planned Mahabharata trilogy. Remember, he had even opted out of the Rakesh Kumar biopic, passing the project on to Shah Rukh Khan.

Now that Aamir Khan is on board only as a producer, we wonder which 'big star' will now take on the lead role in Mogul.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 28, 2018 07:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).