Ranveer Singh has been prepping big time for his upcoming flick, '83. The actor would be essaying the role of legendary Indian cricketer Kapil Dev. Ranveer was in Dharamshala along with other cast members and crew of this sports drama for the training sessions. Pictures of the same hit the internet and fans are just curious to see Ranveer in the avatar of a cricketer. The actor was spotted at the Mumbai Airport along with the ace cricketer Kapil Dev. But this time he was not seen in his quirky avatar but rather kept his look simple. Ranveer Singh’s Real-Life Wife Deepika Padukone to Turn Reel-Life Wife in Kabir Khan’s ’83?

Ranveer Singh is known to don quirky outfits, be it for the launch events or at the airport. In fact, fans of the actor loves to see him in such attires. It is rarely we get to see him in such a simple look. He was seen in casual denims teamed up with a black t-shirt and a pair of white sneakers. The other thing what we liked is how Ranveer and Kapil Dev twinned in a pair of sunglasses. It was certainly a treat to all fans at the airport to see these two together. Pritam to Compose Music for Ranveer Singh Starrer ’83, Duo Teams Up for the FIRST Time.

Ranveer Singh with Kapil Dev

Ranveer Singh and Kapil Dev (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

Ranveer Singh keeps it simple

Ranveer Singh (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

Ranveer Singh and Kapil Dev twin in a pair of sunglasses

Ranveer Singh and Kapil Dev (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

From the role of a lover boy to a rapper, Ranveer Singh has nailed each and every role in his acting career. With his impeccable acting skills, today he is one of the most established and the most-sought after actors of B-town. Just like y’all, even are eagerly looking forward to see him in the role of a cricketer on the big screens. Stay tuned for more updates on 83 The Film and other updates from the world of entertainment.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 18, 2019 09:33 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).