As multi-starrer movie Ae Dil Hai Mushkil clocked three years of its release on Monday, the film's director Karan Johar marked the day by sharing a picture of the hit movie. Karan shared a poster of the movie on Instagram and wrote: "A film closest to my heart....had the best time filming it and have indelible memories! Thank you to the entire cast and crew that made this experience so memorable.'s about the liberation of a broken heart." Yami Gautam Chooses Diwali Celebration with Family Over ‘Bala’ Promotions.
@aishwaryaraibachchan_arb @anushkasharma #ranbirkapoor @dharmamovies The story of the film revolved around musician Ayan's (Ranbir Kapoor) quest for true love. His desire, however, remains unfulfilled as his love Alizeh (Anushka Sharma) does not reciprocate his feelings. Housefull 4 Box Office: Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon’s Multi-Starrer Comedy Drama Earns Rs 53.22 Crores in 3 Days.
Karan Johar Celebrates 3 Years of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
In his journey, he comes across different people who make him realize the power of unrequited love. Directed and written by Karan Johar, the film grossed Rs 152.60 crore at the box office. The flick also featured Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Fawad Khan in lead roles.