Veteran Bollywood actress Rita Bhaduri, 62, breathed her last on Tuesday in Vile Parle, Mumbai. She was battling with a weak kidney and was put on dialysis. Her career in Bollywood films as indeed in Television spanned five long decades. The FTII alumni that she was gave some really memorable performances. She played important supporting parts in movies like Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa, Kya Kehna, Dil Vil Pyar Vyar and Main Madhuri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon". She also featured in Gujarati movies.

"She died at around 1.30 a.m. and her family members took her body from the hospital at around 4," a source from the hospital where she was admitted for over a week told IANS. She was also seen in popular TV series such as Hasratein, Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Khichdi, Ek Nayi Pehchaan, Amanat, Ek Mahal Ho Sapnon Ka and Kumkum. She was particularly popular for playing roles of a mother or grandmother.


Satish Shah at Rita Bhaduri Funeral (Image Credit: Yogen Shah)

Bhaduri's last rites and cremation was held on Tuesday afternoon. Popular actors Satish Shah, Tiku Talsania, Jaya Bhattacharya, Shishir Sharma, Paritosh and Abhay Bhargav attended the funeral. "Rita Bhaduri was affectionate, helpful, jovial, bright and full of life. It is sad and unfortunate that we sum up a person only when he or she is gone. I wish we met more often. We have lost a very fine actress and a brand ambassador/alumni of FTII," said Anupam Kher.

Rita Bhaduri Funeral (Image Credit: Yogen Shah)

Shishir took to social media to offer his last respect. "We deeply regret to inform you that Rita Bhaduri has departed for her journey beyond... Extremely sad. Lost a wonderful human being... A mother to many of us. Will miss u Ma," he wrote.

TV celebs at Rita Bhaduri Funeral (Image Credit: Yogen Shah)

Satish, who shared the screen space with her in "Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai", said she was a lovely and warm person."People who are here today (at the funeral) are the ones who really cared for her. May her soul rest in peace," he added.They paid their last respects to Rita with garlands and some touched her feet.

Jaya said: "Ritaji was such a beautiful person. She had inner strength. You won't believe it, but she was shooting till now. In fact, while shooting with our production, she would come from dialysis and shoot. She never complained and never made any fuss about anything... And she would need dialysis twice a week. May God rest her soul."

Rita Bhaduri Funeral in Mumbai (Image Credit: Yogen Shah)

Rita, a noted alumnus of the famed Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune, began her career during the 1960s. While for Shabana Azmi, Rita was her friend and closest competitor at FTII, Anil Kapoor says she was one of the "finest actresses that FTII gave us.

-With Inputs From Agency

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 17, 2018 08:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website