Bigg Boss Marathi just started a week ago led by host Mahesh Manjrekar. The Marathi actors have already made their own places in the hearts of the fans with their unique traits. It is for the first time that the audience got to see the real side of these actors, hence, making the first season all the more interesting. The first elimination took place on Sunday on the 'Weekend cha daav' episode. Aarti Solanki got eliminated on Day 7 making the nominated contestants Anil Thatte, Usha Nadkarni, Rutuja Dharmadhikari, Bhushan Kadu, Usha Nadkarni and Smita Gondkar safe.
The episode was full of complaints with a lots of complaints and mimics. Mahesh also invited popular astrologer Sharad Kelkar on the show. Kelkar predicted the behaviour of the housemates and also solved their doubts regarding their respective zodiac signs.
After Aarti's elimiation, she ended her rivalry with Megha Dhade and they both agreed to become friends once again. When the contestants were asked to choose between Anil and Aarti, as to who deserves to stay back, they chose the latter. Her elimination was a shock to the contestants and were left teary eyed.
As Arti Solanki was close to the senior most housemate Usha Nadkarni, it will be interesting to watch whom the actress bonds with in further episodes. The housemates also feel that Aarti will be back in the house soon through wild card entry. After this unexpected elimination, the housemates will probably take the tasks more seriously! Did Aarti Solanki deserve to stay a bit longer in the game? Do let us know in the comments section below.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 22, 2018 11:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website