Salman Khan-hosted show Bigg Boss 13 has finished two weeks of its run. The new iteration of the reality show started off on a promising note. The makers even assured that this one will be an express season, with most of the fun beginning from the first episode itself. But, alas, once again the makers failed to deliver. After the end of two weeks, good contestants like Dalljiet Kaur and Koena Mitra have been evicted, while some useless contestants are still inside the house. After the end of its first week, the show as merely at 13th position on TRP charts. And if you have been watching Bigg Boss 13, you know this one is quite a boring season as well. One reason that we can think of is the amount of 'fakeness' on the 'reality' show. The makers fail every time when relationships are manufactured inside the house instead of organically developing. Let us look at the facts first.
Bigg Boss 11 had a TRP of 2.2 by the end of the second week, while Bigg Boss 13 has dropped down to 1.5 points. The new show had a TRP of 2.7 in the premiere week.
The same was the case for Dipika Kakkar starrer Bigg Boss 12. The 12th season opened with a monumental rating of 2.6 and 6th position on the charts. It got a bigger opening than 2018's Kaun Banega Crorepati, which opened at 7th spot on TRP. But after that, the ratings dropped. By the end of the second week, Bigg Boss 12 was out of even top 20 shows as per the BARC report.
And the reasons for the failure of Bigg Boss 12 and Bigg Boss 13 are not tough to dissect. Paras Chhabra has nothing new to bring to the table. Whatever he is doing, we have seen him do on his stint on Splitsvilla. He is manufacturing romance with Shehnaaz Gill and Mahira Sharma when his real girlfriend, Akanksha Puri, is giving out quotes to publications saying this is his gameplan. Bigg Boss 13: 'He Is Not An Easy Guy To Handle,' Paras Chhabra's Girlfriend Akanksha Puri Is Surprised That He Wants To Break-Up With Her.
In a recent interview, Dalljiet revealed that Shehnaaz Gill, too, has a relationship outside the house and she is merely faking it on Bigg Boss.
God, this is Bigg Boss 12 all over again. The makers tried to sell the show on the so-called romance between, Anup Jalota and Jasleen Matharu, which looked fake from the word go. In fact, Anup even denied being in a relationship with Jasleen after his eviction. WHAT?
Bigg Boss 7 worked extremely well because we saw a real romance bloom between Gauahar Khan and Kushan Tandon. The friction between Gauahar and Tanisha Mukerjee was also so organic and did not look as if it is scripted by the writers.
Same goes for Bigg Boss 11. The friction between Shilpa Shinde, Hina Khan and Vikas Gupta just felt so organic. Shilpa and Vikas had a lot of "real" issues between them which was fun to watch. Also, right about when Priyanka Sharma and Benafsha started to fake their romance for survival, the latter was shown the exit door by the audience. Is that not a hint enough?
Whereas, Bigg Boss 13 is doing everything but present the reality. If I wanted to watch Paras dwindle between ladies, I am sure Splitsvilla is available on Voot.
Dalljiet as a single mother had so much more to offer on the show. Koena Mitra could have been the 'phoenix rises from the ashes' story that could have been milked. At the moment, Arti Singh seems to be the only contestant inside the house who is interested in showing the audience her real side.
It is about time Bigg Boss makers put the 'reality' back into the reality show. At least, do it for the fans of the show who have been around since season 1.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 15, 2019 01:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website