The new book A WAY by author Akshay Kumar is a unique story of faith and hope. It is based on an uncommon love story in which a pregnant lady searches for a lover who has been pronounced dead. Will she succeed? What will she discover? This book by Akshay is a gem that you must read. It's a continuation of the plot from Akshay's best-selling debut novel WITHYOU, which made him famous. The popularity of the book caused many readers to identify with the characters and the plot. They requested a sequel because the story stuck with them, and the author didn't let them down. After the first book's success, Akshay quickly released A WAY on Amazon.

The Indian market was quickly taken over by A WAY, who attracted everyone's attention. As a result, Akshay's popularity increased and it was deemed a best seller. He became India's most coveted new author and a literary superstar as a result. The book eventually appeared at numerous book fairs, government libraries, and significant Indian book chain stores. Many readers adore it for its original plot, and it undoubtedly converted them to his authorship as a result. Even though Akshay has only published two novels to date, he has already earned a name for himself and solidified his status as an independent author who will continue to shine. Make Way for Your New Alee Club 24th Miss Teen India & Alee Club Mr Teen India Winners 2022!

On January 15, 1995, Akshay, the youngest child of Mr. Bijay Kumar Sinha and Mrs. Bindu Sinha, was born in Patna and raised there. Akshay responded that writing was something he had always wanted to do and that he felt fortunate to have begun this way with two best-selling novels already under his belt. His renown came from the success of his book, and today you can see him on numerous radio programmes, podcasts, and news channels doing interviews. He has recently been spotted signing many books for his followers and giving away distressed publications.

Akshay, an IT professional himself, emphasises the value of following one's passion because it helped him become the person he is today. He is able to write novels while also working for his company. When he's not working or writing, you can find him hiking in the mountains, which he attributes greatly to his success as a writer because he believes that when he travels, he always comes up with new ideas for stories to write. In addition to playing table tennis and volleyball professionally, Akshay represented both sports at the zonal level and won numerous championships. Additionally, Akshay is a skilled body builder and usually includes weight training in his best workouts. He is undoubtedly a multi-tasker who is pursuing his goals.