Student of the Year 2 released last Friday. While the movie did manage to secure an opening of Rs 12 crore, it did not please the critics at all. The movie is being heavily trolled on social media platforms as well, just like the trailer was. But turns out, everyone who is disliking the movie might be a hypocrite. At least that's what the film's second lead Aditya Seal has to say. Back on April 26, India Today published an interview with the actor, where he was asked about the criticism that came SOTY2's way for the uber-glam trailer. The actor had compared his movie to the fantasy world of Avengers: Endgame. While the quote might have flown under the radar in April, it has now been found by the internet. Student of the Year 2 Fame Aditya Seal Is the Hottest Bratty of Bollywood, and His Insta Pics Are Proof.

While talking about the unreal world of schools and colleges in SOTY 2, Aditya said, "That is exactly the section of society who will watch Avengers and love it and believe that superheroes exist, but they will give us flak for it.”

"This is a fantasy. Who wouldn't want to be a part of a school like this, where you have such amazing looking people and the school is this good? We are just trying to create a world for people where they can just watch it and be like, 'Oh, I wish I was a part of this!' When I watch the Avengers, I want to be a part of it. I want to be Tony Stark/Iron Man. The same way, we are trying to create a world for them," he said, adding, "Haters will be haters but they will still come and watch it."

Well, the reaction to it isn't good, as you can expect. Remember the time when Varun Dhawan had compared Dilwale to Inception and faced flak for it for years. This might be Aditya's Inception moment that will haunt him for a long time.

Check out some reaction to Aditya's comment on the internet:



Reddit users are more brutal than Twitterati

Aditya Seal (Photo Credits: Screenshot from Reddit)

Well, in all fairness, many publications have picked up the quote as a follow up to Student of the Year 2's release. Let us remember the actor said those words before the release of the film. Maybe he had not even watched the film himself back then. Student of the Year 2, produced by Dharma Productions, directed by Punit Malhotra stars Tiger Shroff, Tara Sutaria and Ananya Panday in lead roles.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 11, 2019 09:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website