Odisha Lok Sabha Election 1989 Latest News & Results

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List of Constituency Wise Winners

PC No. Constituency Winner Candidates Party Votes
1 Mayurbhanj Bhagey Gobardhan JD 145867
2 Balasore Samarendra Kundu JD 362537
3 Bhadrak Mangaraj Malik JD 376546
4 Jajpur Anadi Charan Das JD 326710
5 Kendrapara Rabi Ray JD 348881
6 Cuttack Srikanta Jena JD 414828
7 Jagatsinghpur Lokanath Choudhary CPI 408057
8 Puri Nilamani Routray JD 367618
9 Bhubaneswar Sivaji Patnaik CPM 332005
10 Aska Ananta Narayan Singh Deo JD 315979
11 Berhampur Gopinath Gajpathi Narayan Deo INC 232082
12 Koraput Gridhar Gamango INC 200126
13 Nowrangpur Khagapati Pradhani INC 181934
14 Kalahandi Bahkta Charan Das JD 211929
15 Phulbani Nakul Nayak JD 279497
16 Bolangir Balgopal Mishra JD 327216
17 Sambalpur Bhabani Shankar Hota JD 322270
18 Deogarh Ravi Narayan Pani JD 324121
19 Dhenkanal Bhajaman Behra JD 336435
20 Sundargarh Dabananda Amat JD 245380
21 Keonjhar Govind Chandra Munda JD 279226

Lok Sabha Elections Timeline

Lok Sabha Elections 1951

Former PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons)
Former PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons)

The first ever Lok Sabha Elections were held in 68 Phases between October 25, 1951 to February 21, 1952 after India became Independent. In the first elections, the INC won 364 seats of the 489 seats and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the first democratically elected Prime Minister of India. In the Lok Sabha Elections 1951-52, the CPI won 16, SOC 12 and Others 97 out of 489 seats.

*Disclaimer: Facts and numbers placed above have been sourced from official election websites. LatestLY does not take responsibility for the same.