Indian National Congress Ganganagar Assembly Election 1972 – Latest News & Results

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Indian National Congress
Indian National Congress
Candidate : Birbal Singh
11404votes* (Runner Up)
Rajasthan 1972
INC 145
IND 11
OTH 16
184 / 184

INC Candidates for Ganganagar in Past Elections

Candidate Name Year Votes Result
Rajkumar 2008 36409 Runner Up
Radhey Shyam Ganganagar 2003 34140 Runner Up
Radheyshyam Ganganagar 1998 40395 Winner
Radheshyam Hardayal 1993 34252 Winner
Radhey Shyam S/O Hardayal 1990 33423 Runner Up
Radhey Shyam 1985 26771 Runner Up
Radhey Shyam 1977 12102 Runner Up
Birbal Singh 1972 11404 Runner Up
R. Ram 1967 11641 Runner Up
Motiram 1962 14396 Runner Up
Dev Nath 1957 15649 Winner
Moti Ram 1951 17215 Winner
*Disclaimer: Facts and numbers placed above have been sourced from official election websites. LatestLY does not take responsibility for the same.

Indian National Congress (INC) News