Indian National Congress Parbhani Assembly Election 2004 – Latest News & Results

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Indian National Congress
Indian National Congress
Candidate : Ashok Anandrao Deshmukh
65192votes* (Runner Up)
Maharashtra 2004
NCP 71
INC 69
SS 62
BJP 54
OTH 32
288 / 288

INC Candidates for Parbhani in Past Elections

Candidate Name Year Votes Result
Raviraj Ashokrao Deshmukh 2019 NA NA
Ashok Anandrao Deshmukh 2004 65192 Runner Up
Ansari M. Liyakat Ali A. Kadir 1999 50978 Runner Up
Shamim A. Khan Rahim A. Khan 1995 37858 Runner Up
Shamim Ahemad Khan Rahim Ahemad Khan 1990 37966 Runner Up
Ayeshabegum Iqbalhussain 1985 22346 Runner Up
Jamkar Raosaheb Bapusaheb 1978 25700 Winner
Jankar Raosaheb Bapusaheb 1972 26293 Winner
M.S. Rao 1967 16568 Runner Up
Ambadasrao Ganeshrao 1962 13179 Runner Up
*Disclaimer: Facts and numbers placed above have been sourced from official election websites. LatestLY does not take responsibility for the same.

Indian National Congress (INC) News