Indian National Congress Dharampuri Assembly Election 2008 – Latest News & Results

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Indian National Congress
Indian National Congress
Candidate : Panchilal Meda
43688votes* (Winner)
Madhya Pradesh 2008
BJP 173
INC 38
SP 7
230 / 230

INC Candidates for Dharampuri in Past Elections

Candidate Name Year Votes Result
Pachilal Meda 2013 57496 Runner Up
Panchilal Meda 2008 43688 Winner
Nahar Singh Thakur 2003 40792 Runner Up
Pratap Singh Baghel 1998 38182 Runner Up
Pratapsingh Baghel 1993 43634 Winner
Kirat Sinh Rughnath Sinh 1990 22693 Runner Up
Kiratsingh 1977 19854 Winner
Fatebhansingh Ramsingh 1972 17342 Winner
Fatebhanusingh 1967 12930 Winner
*Disclaimer: Facts and numbers placed above have been sourced from official election websites. LatestLY does not take responsibility for the same.

Indian National Congress (INC) News