Over the years, huge attention has been paid to graduating from college and obtaining a “good” degree or even going ahead to get a Masters. While this notion is not totally wrong, recent developments have revealed that getting a college degree is not the ultimate in securing a lucrative job, particularly with the advent of work demands that require more of the application of skills than the acquisition of knowledge. Consequently, there has been a back and forth on the importance of obtaining a college degree in today’s world and several HR experts and business executives have voiced their opinion about the controversial subject.
One of the very recent voices to the topic of a college degree is the popular social media expert and Instagram influencer, Mirko La Rosa. The Sicilian recently gave an insight into the recruitment process of his media agency and how he does not pay too much attention to the college degree of his prospective employees.
“While hiring people I don’t actually pay attention much to their college degree,” said Mirko. “I am rather more interested in what they were doing besides their studies. Did this side activity is in line with the open position?” he continued. In a similar vein, Mirko expressed his strong belief for paying his workers what they deserve as remuneration. Consequently, potential employees that ask about the salary during an interview have a very low chance of getting into the company or securing the job.
In addition to considering the applicant’s suitability for the position in terms of their side activity, Mirko also sees passion for the work as a major factor influencing his decision to hire a worker. According to him, success, money, and other benefits are just a consequence of their talent.
Mirko also related the situation to entrepreneurs, many of which start the business with the primary goal of making money, as only a few starts because they are passionate and want to impact the world. Unfortunately, only the passionate entrepreneur that is poised with changing the world often succeeds, with the money-driven entrepreneurs failing along the way.
Work colleagues or employees as the case may be should be people that believe in what they are becoming, more than in what they get right now, in the view of Mirko La Rosa.