COVID-19 Pandemic Has Great Impact on People’s Mindset, Says Entrepreneur & NLP Coach Yashica Jalhotra

The world is experiencing a drastic change in the economy and major industries have come to a standstill position. Keeping aside the financial stand, the pandemic has influenced people's mindset in a drastic way. International trainer and coach Yashica talks about the importance of keeping up to distress during the pandemic.

Yashica Jalhotra

A journalist turned a NLP life coach Yashica Jalhotra, is one of the worlds leading sought-after transformational trainer, who is also the founder of Quantum of Happiness. As she continues to inspire with her extreme knowledge about mindfulness, she talks about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people.
The world is experiencing a drastic change in the economy and major industries have come to a standstill position. Keeping aside the financial stand, the pandemic has influenced people's mindset in a drastic way. International trainer and coach Yashica talks about the importance of keeping up to distress during the pandemic.
Yashica says, “ it is an unusual experience for everybody with the lockdown that has pushed a lot of us through a rough phase, for some making it even difficult to earn basic income and for others by disturbing their dreams and goals”
Currently, we might be afraid of the virus but it is still teaching us so much. On the other environmental front, oceans and rivers have cleaned up. The quality of air has improved drastically. The ozone layer started repairing by its self. We all need to structurise our thoughts in such a way that, we don’t fall into depression rather bland a hale and healthy life ahead.
The pandemic has left us shellshocked, but it has triggered our senses about the reality in life. We all now realised how important it is to keep ourselves physically and mentally stable and fit. Her 21-Day Transformational Programme also helps people know the importance of mindfulness, further impacting on their emotional strengths.
With her personal learnings and knowledge, Yashica has transformed thousands of people gain control over their subconscious mind that inevitably contributed towards great health, abundance of money, loving and healthy relationships, all that lasts forever.

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