New Delhi, December 10: Tata Motors on Tuesday reported a 15 per cent decline in group's global wholesales at 89,671 units in November. The group had sold 1,04,964 units in the same month last year. Global wholesales of all passenger vehicles in November 2019 were at 58,641 units as against 66,429 units in the same month last year, down 11.72 per cent, the company said in a statement.
Jaguar Land Rover registered global wholesales of 48,105 units in November as against 49,312 units in the year-ago month, a decline of 2.44 per cent. Jaguar wholesales for the month stood at 10,801 vehicles, while Land Rover wholesales were at 37,304 vehicles, the company added. Auto Sector Crisis: Toyota Becomes 4th Company After General Motors, Hero MotoCorp and Ashok Leyland to Launch VRS For Permanent Employees During Festive Season.
It further said global wholesales of all Tata Motors commercial vehicles and Tata Daewoo range stood at 31,030 units in last month, 19 per cent lower than 38,535 in November 2018.