Royal Enfield, the Chennai based two-wheeler maker on Thursday officially launched the highly anticipated 2021 Himalayan adventure motorcycle in the Indian market at a starting price of Rs 2.01 lakh (ex-showroom, Chennai). The bike is now available for bookings and the test ride starts from today. The company also launched the Make It Yours initiative alongside the debut of the Himalayan motorcycle which allows the customers to personalise and accessorise their bikes across all channels - the RE app, the website and at dealerships. Royal Enfield Meteor 350 Motorcycle Launched; Priced in India From Rs 1.75 Lakh.

The Royal Enfield Himalayan adventure bike comes with a few cosmetic changes and new features including the Royal Enfield Tripper and the turn by turn navigation pod that was first introduced in the Royal Enfield Meteor 350cc.

2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan
2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan (Photo Credits: Royal Enfield)

The 2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan comes in three new shades- Granite Black, Mirage Silver and Pine Green. The new motorcycle features a 411cc, single-cylinder, 4-stroke, air-cooled engine that generates a power output of 24.83 PS and 32Nm of peak torque coupled with a 5-speed gearbox.

2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan
2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan (Photo Credits: Royal Enfield)

The new Royal Enfield Himalayan sports a refreshed seat with improved cushioning, rear carrier with an additional plate, adjustable front rack, a new windscreen to make adventure tour slightly more capable, comfortable and reduced height. It is equipped with a dual-channel ABS system, switchable rear ABS and hazard lamp switch. The Pine Green and Granite Black colour options are priced at Rs 2.09 lakh each (ex-showroom, Delhi).

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 11, 2021 02:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website