Enjoys writing articles on health, fashion and beauty. Thinks, sleeps and breathes make-up.
Kardashian West had supported Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016 presidential election, but her rapper husband Kanye West has signalled his support for Trump.
As much as rains bring a cool wave after the summers, it is also accompanied by a host of illnesses.
According to WHO, the global tobacco epidemic kills more than seven million people each year of which close to 900,000 are non-smokers dying from breathing second-hand smoke.
Both the ladies have managed to raise the oomph factor and have looked their best in their black sartorial outfit choices.
Coca-Cola product developers got the idea after visiting Japanese-style ‘izakaya’ pubs where they discovered that lemon-flavoured drinks are very popular
As the legends go, Cleopatra used to regularly bathe in camel milk.
Studies have shown that camel milk is almost as nutritious as a mother’s milk and offers 10 times more iron and three times more vitamin C than cow’s milk.
The researchers wrote that this fossilised dandruff was almost identical to that of modern birds and indicated dinosaurs clearly shed their skin in flakes.
When kids are around, parents should adhere to caution more than ever.
This post garnered a lot of criticisms from people calling her ‘tone-deaf’ to asking her to do something about her dad’s policy.
While traditional pre-workout supplements are designed to provide the energy when exercising, cannabis’ effects are largely psychological.
Sonam’s zooty clothing adds that extra quotient of oomph to her vivacious personality.
Phillips admitted that she considered exiting the show at the time but didn’t report the alleged assault out of fear of jeopardising the show’s future.
Seven of them described harassment or inappropriate behaviour at Revelations Entertainment, a company he founded with Lori McCreary.
The giant hammerhead flatworms are muscular, colourful bodies topped with elongated heads resembling those of hammerhead sharks
From our ape-like ancestors to modern Homo sapiens, the human brain has tripled in size.
The term ‘sexual offences’ refers to a range of all sex-related crimes in Sweden, with rape being one of them.
Other inappropriate behaviour included staring at women’s breasts, massaging an intern’s shoulders, asking a woman how she felt about sexual harassment and asking women to twirl for him.
It’s possible that depressive symptoms such as increased appetite and decreased motivation to exercise were at least partially to be blamed for weight gain, independent of antidepressant use.
Victoria found herself drawn to working in this profession after healing her own sexuality following an abusive relationship.