Sweden, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said the deal is a "good balance" of responsibility toward those seeking asylum and solidarity in the EU.
In May the European Commission predicted growth for the rest of the year across the eurozone. Economic development in eurozone countries varied with Luxembourg achieving the strongest quarterly growth with 2.0% and Portugal with 1.6%.
EU interior ministers have gathered in a bid to reach a deal on joint migration and asylum policy.
Northeastern states in the US are experiencing historically high levels of air pollution due to wildfires in Canada.
Despite Noeleen Heyzer's connections with Myanmar's military-installed government, her efforts to end the conflict in the country made little progress.
Steven Spielberg's 'Jurassic Park' saw the most realistic fleshing out of dinosaurs ever seen on screen, unleashing dino-mania around the world — among kids and adults alike.
The European Commission hopes that pushing ahead long-brewing trade deals with Latin American governments can boost the EU.
Analysts speculate the movement signals a turn toward a more conventional economic policy.
The French-speaking province has become the latest wildfires hotspot in the country.
Recent accusations against Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann have highlighted the issue of security for women at concerts.
Researchers are trying to figure out why groups of orcas regularly damage boats in the Strait of Gibraltar — sometimes even sinking them.
The collapse of a major dam in Ukraine is having catastrophic impacts that Ukraine's environment minister, Ruslan Strilets, says amounts to 'ecocide.
Recent accusations against Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann disclosed the issue of security for women at concerts.
In the year following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the war's carbon bootprint is similar to the entire emissions of Belgium say conflict emission experts.
The internet recently buzzed with the bizarre claim that Sweden had declared sex a sport and was organizing a tournament.
Brazilian nurses make more money working in Germany, but are afforded less responsibility and recognition than at home.
Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia power plant is Europe’s largest nuclear facility.
European human rights judges have condemned Russia for not properly investigating the 2020 poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
Health Minister Ayesha Verrall said it was important to remove "vapes as far from the mind and reach of children" as the country aims to create a smoke-free generation by 2025.