New Delhi [India], February 16 (ANI): Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy met Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and discussed issues related to shifting of the state's High Court to Kurnool.The Chief Minister also raised the issues of decentralisation of administration, Disha Act and abolition of Legislative Council in his meeting with the Union Minister for Law and Justice on Saturday."The Chief Minister outlined the need for decentralization of administration and development in the state. He also informed that the state Cabinet has approved to have the executive capital in Visakhapatnam, the legislative capital in Amaravati and the judicial capital in Kurnool for which Andhra Pradesh Decentralisation and Development Bill was passed in the Assembly. For the same, he requested Minister to take necessary action to shift High Court to Kurnool," according to a release by the Andhra Pradesh CMO.He also reminded Prasad that BJP had also promised to shift High Court to Kurnool in the State manifesto.Reddy also requested Prasad to approve the Disha Act enacted by the State Assembly which calls for safety and protection of women in Andhra Pradesh, according to the release.Regarding the legislative council, Reddy said that it "was misused to stop the bills passed by the Assembly. The Legislatively Assembly has passed a resolution to abolish the Legislative Council and urged the Minister to expedite the issue." (ANI)
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