Pittsburgh, Jan 17 (AP) Demolition got underway Wednesday at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history, as part of the effort to reimagine the building to honour the 11 people who were killed there in 2018.

The demolition work began slowly, with crews picking away at the building's exterior.

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Most the building will be removed, although portions of the sanctuary walls will be preserved. The new building will include spaces for worship, a museum, an education centre and a movie theatre.

Carole Zawatsky, who heads the new nonprofit overseeing the project, was at the site as demolition began. She said she had a mix of emotions, including feeling bittersweet knowing why the old building was being demolished but also feeling tremendous excitement about seeing the project moving forward. It was sobering and a physical manifestation of healing, she said.

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“It is an incredible symbol of great resilience and moving forward,” she said.

The Oct 27, 2018, attack claimed the lives of 11 worshippers from three congregations meeting at the synagogue – Dor Hadash, New Light and Tree of Life. The three have been meeting at nearby synagogues since then.

In a related project, a memorial to the victims is being planned for a site just outside the synagogue.

The process of planning that memorial was left to representatives of the congregations and victims' families.

The design calls for a walkway that will lead visitors into garden memorial with 11 sculpted forms of open books, each representing one of the people who were killed.

They represent the “Book of Life,” where, according to Jewish tradition, the righteous are named.

The man who killed the congregants was sentenced to death last year, after the conclusion of a long-delayed federal trial. (AP)

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