Brussels, Dec 13 (PTI) A group of Indian diaspora members in Brussels toured the city to mark the International Human Rights Day and raise awareness against alleged attacks on religious minorities in India.

With two large banners mounted on bicycles displaying statistics around hate crimes, the three-day tour began on December 10 to coincide with the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

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The diaspora activists said they chose Brussels as the location for the tour as it is home to the headquarters of the European Union (EU).

"India must remember that it was built on tolerance, secularism, diversity and equality," said Dr Ritumbra Manuvie, who directs the Indian diaspora-led think tank The London Story.

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"On today's Human Rights Day, we call on the Indian government to ensure dignity, freedom, and justice for all people, including its religious minorities,” she said.

India has previously rejected criticism by foreign governments and human rights groups on allegations that civil liberties have eroded in the country.

The Indian government has asserted that India has well-established democratic practices and robust institutions to safeguard the rights of all.

The government has emphasised that the Indian Constitution provides for adequate safeguards under various statutes for ensuring the protection of human rights.

The London Story is devised as a diaspora-led think tank with its seat at The Hague in The Netherlands. TLS says its focus is on monitoring and archiving hate speech against religious minorities in India on social media and advocating for an inclusive EU-India relationship with human rights at its core.

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