China Stands Ready to Work with India, Says Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

While addressing the reporters on China's relations with India, Wang said, "China and India have maintained communication through the diplomatic and military-to-military channels, and both countries are committed to upholding stability in the border areas. We stand ready to work with India in the direction toward steady and sound growth of China-India relations."

Agency News ANI|
China Stands Ready to Work with India, Says Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. (Photo Credits: ANI)

Beijing, December 25: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, on Sunday, said that China is ready to work with India through steady and sound growth of the relations, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry website.

While addressing the reporters on China's relations with India, Wang said, "China and India have maintained communication through the diplomatic and military-to-military channels, and both countries are committed to upholding stability in the border areas. We stand ready to work with India in the direction toward steady and sound growth of China-India relations." China Stops Publishing Daily Covid Cases Amid Fresh Surge.

This statement came in the backdrop of the December 9 faceoff between the Indian and Chinese soldiers in Arunachal Pradesh's Tawang sector. After the clash, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in a statement said that India and China held the 17th round of Corps Commander Level Meeting at the Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on the Chinese side on December 20 and agreed to maintain the security and stability on the ground in the Western Sector. COVID-19 Surge in China: Coronavirus Wave ‘Peaked’ in Beijing, But Country Months Away From Tsunami of Infections.

"In the interim, the two sides agreed to maintain the security and stability on the ground in the Western Sector," according to the statement. The MEA statement said the two sides agreed to stay in close contact, and maintain dialogue through military and diplomatic channels and work out a mutually acceptable resolution of the remaining issues at the earliest.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

China Stands Ready to Work with India, Says Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

While addressing the reporters on China's relations with India, Wang said, "China and India have maintained communication through the diplomatic and military-to-military channels, and both countries are committed to upholding stability in the border areas. We stand ready to work with India in the direction toward steady and sound growth of China-India relations."

Agency News ANI|
China Stands Ready to Work with India, Says Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. (Photo Credits: ANI)

Beijing, December 25: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, on Sunday, said that China is ready to work with India through steady and sound growth of the relations, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry website.

While addressing the reporters on China's relations with India, Wang said, "China and India have maintained communication through the diplomatic and military-to-military channels, and both countries are committed to upholding stability in the border areas. We stand ready to work with India in the direction toward steady and sound growth of China-India relations." China Stops Publishing Daily Covid Cases Amid Fresh Surge.

This statement came in the backdrop of the December 9 faceoff between the Indian and Chinese soldiers in Arunachal Pradesh's Tawang sector. After the clash, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in a statement said that India and China held the 17th round of Corps Commander Level Meeting at the Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on the Chinese side on December 20 and agreed to maintain the security and stability on the ground in the Western Sector. COVID-19 Surge in China: Coronavirus Wave ‘Peaked’ in Beijing, But Country Months Away From Tsunami of Infections.

"In the interim, the two sides agreed to maintain the security and stability on the ground in the Western Sector," according to the statement. The MEA statement said the two sides agreed to stay in close contact, and maintain dialogue through military and diplomatic channels and work out a mutually acceptable resolution of the remaining issues at the earliest.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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White Day 2025 Date: What Does It Mean? How Is It Related to Valentine’s Day? Fascinating Facts and Other Celebration Details Explained

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