Ambedkar Jayanti 2022: Dr BR Ambedkar's Birth Anniversary Observed in Nepal

The 131st birth anniversary of Ambedkar was observed at the joint initiatives of BP Koirala India-Nepal Foundation and Kathmandu University. Yadav recalled the extraordinary contribution made by Ambedkar for social justice and inclusion, and his remarkable leadership and vision in drafting the Constitution of India.

Dr BR Ambedkar Jayanti 2022 (Photo Credits: File Image)

Kathmandu, April 13: Dr B R Ambedkar's birth anniversary was observed at an event here on Wednesday with participants recalling his extraordinary contribution for social justice and inclusion, and his remarkable leadership and vision in drafting the Constitution of India.

Nepal's first president Dr Ram Baran Yadav inaugurated the event in the presence of former House Speaker Daman Nath Dhungana, Kathmandu University Vice Chancellor Professor Bhola Thapa, former ambassador of Nepal to India Professor Lok Raj Baral and Secretary of BP Koirala India-Nepal Foundation Navin Kumar, among others.

The 131st birth anniversary of Ambedkar was observed at the joint initiatives of BP Koirala India-Nepal Foundation and Kathmandu University. Yadav recalled the extraordinary contribution made by Ambedkar for social justice and inclusion, and his remarkable leadership and vision in drafting the Constitution of India. Ambedkar Jayanti 2022 Wishes & Messages: WhatsApp Status, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Quotes, Bhim Jayanti Images and Banners To Mark Birthday of Father of the Indian Constitution.

Former Speaker Dhungana shed light on the relevance of Ambedkar's message of constitutionalism and rule of law in the current context of South Asia, including Nepal. On the occasion, KU-Nepal Center for Contemporary Studies was also launched. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891. To pay homage to his contribution to India, April 14 is celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti in India and around the world.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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