The Hague, May 28 (AP) A former head of the Dutch spy agency and counterterrorism office was tipped Tuesday to become the Netherlands' next prime minister, leading a four-party coalition headed by Geert Wilders' hard right Party for Freedom.

Dick Schoof, the 67-year-old former head of the General Intelligence and Security Service and currently the top civil servant at the Ministry of Security and Justice, was meeting with the leaders of the four parties and was expected to be announced as their choice to become prime minister at a late afternoon press conference.

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As well as once leading the top intelligence agency, Schoof also is a former counterterror chief in the Netherlands and ex-head of the country's Immigration and Naturalisation Service. He did not speak to the media as he took a seat at the negotiating table. A press conference was scheduled for later in the afternoon.

In a message on social platform X, Wilders congratulated Schoof and said he “has a great track record, is nonpartisan and therefore above the parties, has integrity and is also very likeable."

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Anti-Islam lawmaker Wilders convincingly won the November election but took months to cobble together an outline coalition deal with three other parties.

The four leaders are aiming to select a team of ministers to form a technocrat Cabinet over the next month. Wilders, a divisive figure who has in the past been convicted of insulting Moroccans, agreed not to become prime minister because of opposition from his coalition partners.

Wilders is building a coalition with outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte's centre-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, the populist Farmer Citizen Movement and the centrist New Social Contract party.

Rutte's government remains in power on a caretaker basis until the new administration is sworn in.

The initial candidate for prime minister that Wilders had in mind withdrew last week following reported allegations of his involvement in medical patent fraud.

A deal published last week by the four parties outlining their policy objectives is titled “Hope, courage and pride.” It pledges to introduce strict measures on asylum-seekers, scrap family reunification for refugees and reduce the number of international students studying in the country. (AP)

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