Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Jan 2 (ANI): Union Minister Ramdas Athawale on Thursday said that he will take up the issue with the Centre if the central government has denied permission to the tableaux from Maharashtra in the Republic Day parade."If the tableaux has been rejected because there is Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra and Mamata government in West Bengal, I will look into it and will have a word with the Centre once I go to Delhi," Athwale told reporters at a press conference.Earlier in the day, NCP MP Supriya Sule and Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut claimed that the Centre has denied permission to the tableaux from Maharashtra and West Bengal for the Republic Day parade.Sule accused the Centre of giving 'step brotherly' treatment to non-BJP ruled states.The Ministry of Defence has clarified the tableau proposal of West Bengal government was not taken forward for further consideration by the committee after deliberations in the second meeting. (ANI)
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