Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], Oct 18 (ANI): Ahead of the final Test against South Africa, Indian wicket-keeper-batsman Wriddhiman Saha on Friday said wicket-keeping is a 'tough' and 'thankless' job."Keeping is a tough job and it is a thankless job as we are wearing gloves so everybody thinks that we will catch every ball easily. It is not an easy job on turning track or on the pitch where there is uneven bounce," Saha told reporters in the pre-match conference here.Saha took some exceptional catches behind the stumps in the last match on Umesh Yadav's and Ravichandran Ashwin's deliveries."We prepare according to the wicket. I know the way how Ravindra Jadeja and R Ashwin bowl so I adjust myself according to the situation," he added."Everyone tries to contribute to the team. As a player, I try to contribute with my keeping and then with batting," said Saha.The 34-year-old felt that Sourav Ganguly's becoming the President of BCCI is a good thing for the players."After Dada (Sourav Ganguly) is becoming the President of BCCI so it will help the players," Saha said.Saha was picked for the West Indies tour but did not get a chance to play. He got his chance against South Africa in the home series in which he has contributed 21 runs as he only got to bat in a single inning."I was out from the team for long due to injury and then I played in domestic and India A games to get my spot in the Indian side. Umesh Yadav bowled well in the first innings and created chances and did the same thing in the second innings. It feels good when you contribute to the team," Saha said.India has an unbeatable 2-0 lead in the series and will play the final match of the series from October 19. (ANI)

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