Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Jan 18 (ANI): Congress leader Sachin Sawant on Saturday slammed the Central government over the controversy on Veer Savarkar and asked who is stopping the BJP from conferring Bharat Ratna to the leader."Who has stopped BJP from conferring Bharat Ratna on Savarkar? The Government in Maharashtra has not been formed to analyze this, nor the decision to confer Bharat Ratna on him is going to be taken by the state government, it's a matter concerning Centre," Sawant told ANI.Earlier today, senior Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut had said that those who believe that Bharat Ratna should not be conferred on Veer Savarkar should be put in the same jail where the Hindutva ideologue was lodged.Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said that Veer Savarkar is not "mere history but our present and future".Earlier in the month, amid the controversy over the Congress Seva Dal booklet that claimed Nathuram Godse and Savarkar had "physical relations", Fadnavis had said that the reference against Savarkar will not be tolerated and asked how long the Shiv Sena is going to endure it. (ANI)
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