Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Feb 13 (ANI): Uttar Pradesh Joint Commissioner of Police, Naveen Arora on Thursday said that CCTV footages will be analysed in the matter pertaining to the hurling of crude bomb towards the chamber of a lawyer in Lucknow court complex."CCTV footages will be analysed, the security of gates will be checked. We will see how many people were allowed entry without checking. Court security will be reviewed, loopholes will be worked upon," said Arora.Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday registered an FIR in a matter pertaining to the hurling of crude bomb towards the chamber of lawyer Sanjeev Lodhi in a Lucknow court complex on Thursday.The case has been registered in Wazirganj Police Station following the complaint filed by Lodhi. It has been registered under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections 147 (rioting), 148 (Rioting, armed with a deadly weapon), 149 (unlawful assembly), 307 (attempt to murder), 3 and 4.The incident took place earlier in the day and two persons have suffered injuries.Lodhi has blamed another lawyer Jitu Yadav for the incident. (ANI)

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